Release Year: 2017
Genre: Action, 3D, Fighting, Slasher, Unity, Fantasy, BDSM, Bondage
Censorship: None
Platform: PC / Windows
Language of the game (story): Russian / English / Japanese / Chinese
Language: Russian / English / Japanese / Chinese
Language of voice: Japanese
System requirements (minimum): OS: WIN7 SP1 / WIN8 / WIN10, CPU: i3-530 @ 2.93GHz / AMD X4 810 @ 2.60Hz, RAM: 4GB, VRAM: GeForce GTS 450 / ATI Radeon HD 5870 – 1GB; DirectX 9, HDD: 3GB
Description: The sequel to the previous game Cinderella Escape! R12. In the game Cinderella Escape 2 Revenge, Cinderella, who fell victim to the intrigue of Prince, returns, to understand the situation and take revenge. Accordingly, this is no longer a puzzle, but a slasher. It is recommended to use a gamepad or controller for more convenient control. Download and enjoy!
File size: 2.4 GB